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Who was Phoebe in the New Testament?
Bible Character: Phoebe
Phoebe: Deacon and Sister in the Early Church --- Aimee Byrd
Was Phoebe a Female Deacon? Romans 16:1-2
What ORIGEN thought about PHOEBE in Romans 16:1-2!!
Does Romans 16:1 Say Phoebe was a Deacon?
Blake White - Was Phoebe a Deacon (Romans 16:1)
Phoebe: The Courageous Woman Who Carried Paul’s Message to Rome | Bible StoryBook #biblestories
Women of the Bible: Phoebe
Women of the New Testament: Lydia, Dorcas and Phoebe
The Remarkable Women Mentioned In Romans 16 | Women in the Bible | EP-1
Phoebe in the Bible: Confronting False Doctrine and Lies about Women in Church